by Baby Jogger
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The Baby Jogger Car Seat Adaptor is one of the most important accessories you will ever purchase for your stroller. It allows you to use your car seat with your stroller until your baby is strong enough to be placed in a stroller seat. It is designed to fit several popular car seats including, Peg Perego Primo Viaggio, Britax Companion, Maxi Cosi and most Graco and Evenflo car seat models.
The car seat adaptor is one of the most important accessories you will ever purchase for your stroller. It is designed to fit several popular car seats including, Peg Perego Primo Viaggio, Britex Companion and most Graco and Evenflo models. Compatible with any Mini, Elite and Classic single strollers and works with car seats that hold infants up to 20 lbs. and less than 26" tall. Car seats adaptors are model specific.