by gDiapers
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Designed to fit little gPants, gDiapers Biodegradable Diaper Refills are an environmentally-friendly diaper alternative to traditional disposable or cloth diapers. The only certified biodegradable inserts available on the market, gRefills fit snugly inside your baby's little gPants. When the time comes, the inserts can be flushed, composted, or tossed without guilt. And because they are made from absorbent, breathable materials, your little one will remain dry and comfortable throughout the day. This package comes with a total of 128 refills.
Compostable and Flushable Diaper Refills
gDiapers biodegradable refills are made from sustainably farmed materials, limiting their impact on the environment. These refills have been Cradle to Cradle certified, meaning they are made from materials that will be reabsorbed back into nature in a neutral or positive way.
Unlike traditional disposable diapers that end up in a landfill, gDiapers plastic-free, biodegradable refills give you three choices for disposal. You can throw them away, flush them down the toilet, or home compost the wet ones. In fact, nutrients from wet diaper refills are beneficial for soils.
Made From Earth-Friendly, Biodegradable Material
gDiapers refills are designed for use with the little gPants (sold separately). This two-part diapering system gives you the convenience of disposable diapers with the environmental and baby benefits of cloth diapers. Simply put the inserts into the cotton diaper cover, secure it around your baby, and you're ready to go. Their compact size also allows you to conveniently slip extra refills into your bag for travel.
Keeps Your Baby Dry and Comfortable
With soft, absorbent materials and a breathable design, gDiapers inserts reduce the possibility of diaper rash. These refills do not contain any plastic, dyes, elemental chlorine, chemicals, or latex, making them a natural solution for your baby.
About gDiapers
gDiapers provides a diapering solution that is good for babies, parents, and the planet. Based in Portland, Oregon, gDiapers subscribes to the phrase "Fair Dinkum," an Aussie expression that means being genuine and real. gDiapers applies this to all aspects of its family-centered and socially-responsible business.
What's in the Box
Four-pack of 32-count gDiapers refills, Medium/X-Large (128 total refills). Packaging may vary.
gDiapers Biodegradable gRefills Parents can breathe easy using biodegradable gRefills inside reusable Little gPants. gDiapers are the only diaper to be certified 100% biodegradable. They’re breathable, which means babies are far less likely to get diaper rash. There are three options for disposal: flush, compost or toss. Because gRefills are plastic-free they break down quickly, unlike disposables, which can take 500 years to break down. gRefills are certified Cradle to Cradle, which means everything that goes into a gRefill will be reabsorbed into the eco-system in a neutral or beneficial way. Packaging may vary.