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Check Basal Temperature to:
- Increase likelihood of conception.
- Understand your fertility cycle.
- Oral or Rectal Use.
- Lifetime guarantee.
Accu-Beep Feature.
- Guarantees fast, accurate readings.
- Beeps when placed correctly.
- Signals when done.
Bonus: Exclusive Temperature Charts included by Toni Weschler, MPH, Author "Taking Charge of Your Fertility."
Guaranteed Accuracy - Only the Accu-Beep feature guarantees fast, one-minute accurate readings.
- Continuous beep confirms your are using the basal thermometer correctly.
- Lets you know the thermometer is properly positioned.
- Signals when done.
- Clinically proven to match glass thermometer accuracy.
Added Safety
- No glass to break.
Easy to Use
- Auto memory shows last temperature taken
- Fast, one-minute temperature read-out
- Battery/storage case included
- Automatic shut-off
Easy to Read
- Extra large lighted display for easy reading.
Basal Body Temperature: Basal Temperature is the normal body temperature of a healthy person immediately upon awakening in the morning. In women, this temperature normally rises after ovulation due to hormonal changes. Thus, a temperature increase near the middle of your menstrual cycle can indicate ovulation has occurred.
Identifying Ovulation Timing: Tracking your basal temperature can help you to identify ovulation timing. Temperature Tracking Charts are included to help you track your temperature for your menstrual cycles. By taking your temperature with the B-D Basal Digital Thermometer each morning throughout your cycle, a pattern usually becomes visible. This pattern, along with other indicators can help you determine the timing of your ovulation. Knowledge of ovulation timing can help you increase or decrease your likelihood of conception.
Seeking Professional Guidance: Remember that temperature fluctuations and other observations are only indicators of ovulation. Interpretation of such information requires medical knowledge and training. Providing your doctor with completed Temperature Tracking Charts can help in fertility diagnosis and natural family planning techniques.
Basal digital thermometer