by Britax USA
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The Britax Roundabout compact convertible car seat is renowned for safety, comfort, and convenience. The Roundabout's compact size is ideal for use with vehicles with limited rear-seat space. The tangle-free, five-point harness with three harness heights ensures a snug and secure fit. Premium push-button latch connectors provide a quick, simple and tight installation. Unique features include the patented Versa-Tether for energy management, and rear- and forward-facing recline for child comfort and positioning. The Roundabout is designed for children rear facing from five to 35 pounds and children forward facing from at least one year old and 20 pounds, up to 40 pounds. The Roundabout is made in the USA with U.S. and global components.
Britax Roundabout Convertible Car Seat With endorsements from nearly every consumer organization, it's no surprise the Britax Roundabout is one of the most popular car seats to date. Britax has improved upon this popular convertible car seat by introducing the LATCH system. The Roundabout car seat is the MVP's MVP as it fits just about every car and is super easy to install. Britax outdid itself with the introduction of this Britax car seat The Britax Roundabout features the LATCH lock system which is a necessity in today's car seat. LATCH makes installation simple and safe while ensuring the baby car seat is installed properly every time. This seat may be the easiest to install....ever. Anchors, installed in the car previously, connect with LATCH connectors to ensure proper Britax car seat installation. It also features the Britax patented Versa-Tether system and EPS impact foam which helps keep baby safe in the head and torso areas. The Roundabout is very similar to the Britax Marathon and the two very well may be big brother, little brother. The Marathon is just as comfortable as the Roundabout convertible car seat but, like big bro, has a higher weight limit. The Marathon is also bigger and does not fit into every car seat rear facing. When engineers began designing car seats, they wanted one that combined all elements of safety and comfort. The Britax Roundabout Convertible Car Seat is exactly what they were dreaming of.