by Kolcraft
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Quick trips can easily be accomplished with the Jeep Wrangler All Weather Umbrella Stroller. This lightweight stroller at only 9.6 pounds. is comfortable for baby and easy for you. This Jeep umbrella stroller offers features for cool and warm weather. In winter, roll-down the cool-climate seat pad to protect your child from the wind. When it's hot outside, roll-up the seat pad to allow better airflow and create a head rest. Also, adjust the Sunrider canopy to keep baby comfortable. The Jeep Wrangler All Weather Umbrella stroller also offers you comfort with an adult cup holder, two cargo storage bags, easy fold, and best of all it is such a lightweight umbrella stroller.
Kolcraft Jeep Wrangler Sport Stroller - GlowQuick trips can easily be accomplished with the Jeep@ Wrangler All-Weather stroller. In winter, roll-down the cool-climate seat pad to help keep your child warm. When it's hot outside, roll-up the seat pad to allow better airflow & create a head rest. Sunrider canopy easily adjusts to block sun, and two cargo bags give extra storage. The over-sized all-terrain wheels and 3-point quick release buckle provide a comfortable ride. You'll appreciate the fact that the stroller weighs less than 10 lbs, and comes with a comfort-grip foam padded handle. JPMA certified.