by J.L. Childress
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Use this handy, compact travel bag when gate-checking a standard or double stroller to protect it from dirt and germs. The bright red color and large graphics easily identify your item for return to gate. Fits and covers most standard and double strollers easily with draw-string closure and adjustable lock. Stuffs quickly into attached pouch for traveling convenience. Compact to fit in travel bags. Features two webbing handles for easy lifting and personal identification box. Fits baby trend sit 'n stand, peg perego, phil and Ted's, Quinny buzz, bob single Jogging strollers, Graco meteorite, Snug rider and duo glider, Bugaboo, Joovy, Chicco, Combi and Combi twin, Malaren and Malaren twin, baby planet and more. Not recommended for baggage check.
Use these handy, compact travel bags when gate-checking your standard or double stroller or your child's car seat to protect them from dirt and germs.