by Dorel Juvenile Group
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The Safety 1st Go Hybrid Convertible Booster is a must for families on the go. The is the only full booster with latch capabilities and a five-point harness for kids up to 65 pounds. Children love it's big kid look while you feel confident that you are providing car seat style security longer. Once your child is ready, the go hybrid converts to a backless booster. The go hybrid is lightweight and compact and features a one-of-a-kind, flexible back allowing the seat to fold easily away when not in use. It comes with a convenient travel bag making it a breeze to store, carry, or travel anywhere, even on a plane. Top tether is required for use in harness mode.
Safety 1st Go Hybrid Booster Car Seat installs in less than a minute, making this car seat ideal for parents and children on the go. The seat starts out as a high back booster and will keep your child secure in a 5-point harness all the way up to 65 pounds. As your child gets ready to transition over to the adult seat belt, the Go Hybrid Booster Car Seat converts to a backless booster that can accommodate your child all the way up to 100 pounds.