by Bummis
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From the Riviera to the neighborhood kiddie pool, your baby will have the cutest bum around. And rest assured - nobody will ever have to empty the pool because of your little darling! Fashion and peace of mind - what better combination can there be in a baby swimsuit. Engineered with painstaking attention to detail and functionality: A trim and attractive design that has a terrific fit on any baby interior polyester mesh for easy clean ups coated nylon layer sandwiched inside that will hold in the messiest stuff a baby can throw at you. Fun, unisex cotton prints on the outside adjustable hook and loop closures for a snug and comfortable fit stretchy soft lycra bindings to protect baby’s tender skin what should you put inside the swimmi? Absolutely nothing. Can you use this pant as a waterproof diaper cover as well? No you can use the Swimmi as a cloth diaper cover, but you should not use the same pant for both cloth diapers and swimming. Size up for use as a diaper cover, and use with flat cloth diapers only.