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Clearblue® helps simplify trying to conceive with its Digital Ovulation Test that is over 99% accurate and the preferred brand by 9 out of 10 women.1,2 Easy to use and read – a flashing test stick “timer” symbol shows the test is working and a clear smiley face in the indicator window tells a woman her 2 best days to conceive. No more interpreting hard-to-read line tests.
How the Digital Ovulation Test Works
The following chart outlines the phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle, showing how the two most fertile days coincide with the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge (24-36 hours before ovulation) and the release of an egg (ovulation). These are a woman’s 2 best days to conceive a baby and what the Digital Ovulation Test identifies by monitoring LH levels. This is a preferred method over measuring Basal Body Temperature, which only increases after ovulation making it too late of an indicator for your current cycle’s ovulation, or relying on only an ovulation calculator, which has a large margin of error since in over 40% of women aged 18-40 years, cycle lengths vary by 7 days.3
It is known that many women have low levels of LH present in their urine throughout their cycles. The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test therefore sets a personalized threshold level for each woman, by measuring their change in LH level from their personal baseline.
Testing Directions
To use the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test with 7 test sticks, you will need to know your typical cycle length to determine when to start testing. Use the following chart as a guide and then follow the steps below:
- Remove the test stick from its wrapper.
- Insert the test stick into its holder until it clicks into place. The ready symbol should appear.
- Point the Absorbent Tip downward in your urine for 5-7 seconds.
- Keep the Absorbent Tip pointing downward or lay the test on a flat surface. After 20-40 seconds the test symbol will begin flashing to tell you that it is working. Replace the cap and wipe off any excess urine.
- Within 3 minutes your result will appear.
With some tests, reading the results can be difficult -as many as one in four people misread the result from a traditional ovulation line test.2 Digital results take away this potential human error and data shows that when compared to traditional line tests, the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is more accurately read by consumers.2
A smiley face means your LH surge has been detected. You can stop testing for this cycle. Having sex within the next 48 hours will maximize your chances of getting pregnant.
A blank circle means your LH surge has NOT been detected. Continue testing with a new test stick at the same time tomorrow.
When It’s Time, Get Accurate Pregnancy Results
All Clearblue Pregnancy Tests are over 99% accurate to give you confidence in your result when used from the day of the expected period.4 See our Clearblue Pregnancy Test Buying Guide for help choosing the right test for you.
Want to Know More About Predicting Ovulation?
Clearblue provides a range of easy-to-use products to help determine ovulation with confidence. Learn more about pinpointing ovulation and your peak fertility days by reading about the different methods you can choose from in our Ovulation Test Buying Guide.
1 SPD data on file. Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test has been shown to be 99% accurate when compared to a reference method in laboratory studies using urine samples from 123 cycles where LH surge was identified by a reference method.
2 SPD data on file. In a study of 72 women reading Ovulation Tests typical of normal cycle results, more women obtained the same result as a laboratory professional when reading Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test than when reading other Ovulation Tests. DOT Consumer Study - One in four women can misread a line test.
3 Creinin MD, Keverline S, Meyn LA. How regular is regular? An analysis of menstrual cycle regularity. Contraception 2004 Oct;70(4):289-92.
4 SPD data on file. When compared to a laboratory reference method, Clearblue Pregnancy Tests have been shown to be over 99% accurate from the day of the expected period when using urine samples supplied for pregnancy testing.
Every woman's cycle is unique and most people don’t realize that there are only a few days in a woman’s cycle when intercourse can result in conception – and only 2 days when it is most likely: the day prior to and the day of ovulation. That’s why women turn to ovulation tests for help maximizing their chances for conception. The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is an easy-to-use home ovulation test, and is over 99% accurate at detecting the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. The optical reader interprets your result and gives you a clear smiley face in the result window when the LH surge has been detected, identifying your 2 best days to try for a baby.